Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Chapter 5 of Visions

"Violet?" I said, as I called my Aunt Alexia; Violet picked it up.
"Hey Kel! I heard about your best friend. Sorry; sucks, huh?" she said.
"Yea. But anyways, I'm allowed to stay out of school for a little while, you know, get my head cleared up, so I was wondering if I would be able to stay down thee for a little while?"
We talked on the phone for a few days, and they worked out some things to get me down there on a weekend.

My brother and sister helped me for the next few days. I've been waking up screaming, losing appetite, and waking up in the middle of the night screaming and sweating from nightmares. I needed space from him, and his memory.

The day I left, Samantha helped me with making sure I got all the medication I needed, and Jacob packed my bags for me.
My Aunt Alexia came to the house to come and get me. Sam didn't want me to be alone on the plane, so my aunt came. Jeremy showed up when I got into the car. I was in the back of the car, so I ducked down, so my aunt couldn't hear me.
"Do you have to go?" he said.
"You know I can't stay there." I said.
"So, I'm coming with you."
"You can't. You can't stay with me forever. You're already gone, you did your job; you gave me a best friend. I have to live on my own."
He disappeared suddenly.
I got back up, and rode to the airport.

We got to Georgia, and we drove back to the house. She lives in a beach house, so on days I could relax, I could walk straight into the sand. We finally got to the house, and my cousins came out, Annabeth and Violet.
"C'mon, you got an awesome room." they said, as they practically dragged me upstairs to the room.
They were right; it was amazing.
It had my favorite two colors as the theme of the room, silver and purple. There was a view of dolphins in the ocean through one of my windows. Another window showed the road and the woods behind it.
I unpacked and put my stuff in the dresser and the desk.
I wanted to sleep a little bit, and get the stress on me to all just melt away.
When I woke up, I wanted to go down to the beach, since it was only six o' clock. Jeremy showed up and sat beside me.
"I'm sorry. I didn't know you were gonna react like this." he said.
"React to what? Death? Visions? The fact that I'm the only one who knows you're not fully dead?" I replied.
"Yea, and if you want me to leave permanently, I'll leave. I mean, I gotta leave sooner or later."
He then got up, but I said,
"Wait." He turned around, and looked at me.
"Maybe I'm not ready for you to go."
He then grinned, and left, but I knew he was gonna come back.
I decided, that I needed a guardian over me, and Jeremy was gonna be the for me.
"Kelly! Come inside, it's getting dark!" Aunt Alexia yelled. I got up and ran inside, and as I looked back, he wasn't there.
Yet, I knew he was gonna come back.

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