Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Chapter 6 of Visions

After dinner, I went back to the beach to lie down on the beach towel and watch the stars.
I wanted to talk to someone, but, I needed to see someone who's real. Unlike Jeremy.
I knew I couldn't spend the rest of my life talking to a ghost who can disappear whenever he wants, and I'm stuck here.
I've been at my Aunt Alexia's for five days, and I was beginning to understand sources to some of my problems.
I needed a normal life.
A life where I don't wake up in the middle of the night sweating, and screaming, scared of what's gonna happen next in my dramatic life.
I thought- maybe letting Jeremy go, was a source.
I mean, if I wanna feel OK and normal, letting go of him could be my first step.
If I'm afraid of him this much for less than a month, I can't even imagine the rest of my life.
Jeremy showed up, and he lied down beside me.
I turned my body toward him, and he turned his head.
"I don't know if I ca ave you forever." I said.
I've never wanted Jeremy to leave me, especially in moments where I need avoid to be filled.
"You need me. I can't leave." he said
I got up.
"Well, I'm sorry Jeremy. But I can." I said, as I got up with my stuff and went inside.
I got inside, and Violet and Annabeth were asleep on the couch. Aunt Alexia fell asleep on the recliner; I ran upstairs before I got caught being outside after midnight.
That night was horrible.
I fell asleep, and I started dreaming.
The dream was me, and Jeremy. I was on a cliff; pouring down rain, and muddy.
It was me and him on top of the cliff; I could hear the waves crashing into the rocks under me, down in the ocean I could see when I looked down at the edge.
I began to yell at Jeremy.
I turned away from him, and he grabbed my arm. It startled me, and I pulled away, yet he wouldn't let go. I got scared, and I finally pulled away, but I slipped, and I fell of the cliff.
I felt the air on my cheeks, and as I saw the rocks, I yelled out.
I the woke up, breathing so hard.
Jeremy was by my side, on the ed.
"What is it?" he said.
"Nothing." I said.
"Yeah." 'I said as I lied back down' "Definitely a nightmare."

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